Potatoes Cold Stores

Industrial Potatoes

With the ever increasing demand on SONAC quality, it was necessary to increase the storage capacity as well, of which was this cold stores to meet the demand for the booming chipping sector in the industry.

In 1998, our cold stores capacity was 5000 tons in 4 big chambers exclusively for Lady Rosetta and Hermes potatoes varieties.

With 5000 wooden bins, we became the only Cold stores that store industrial potatoes in wooden bins in Egypt.

In May 2007, we doubled our capacity to reach 12,000 tons becoming the biggest coldstore for processing potatoes in Egypt and the entire Middle East.

Thanks to Dutch technology, we can control temperatures, CO2 and RH automatically, auto opening and closing flaps, through an easy software program; everything is done under the trained personnel.

This was another example of how SONAC pays extra attention to every single detail that contributes to the quality of its products and client satisfaction.