Potatoes Farms

EurepGap accredited by SGS.

DIRECT FIELD HAND PICKING upon client request.

All SONAC potatoes is planted in our own farms, located in the most suitable areas to plant potatoes, it’s in the PFA (Pest Free Area).

In east and west of Nile delta, we located our farms, SONAC decided to control all the operations for over 6000 feddans in sandy soil, giving our client the best shiny, set skin potato for his clients.

Farms are in areas like Salheya, Nobariya, and also we are reclaiming new lands in the newest promising area of Wadi Neutron, to the very west of the Nile delta.

Owning and Using a complete machinery lines for land preparation, planting, harvesting for each of the 3 main farms.

Latest techniques in agriculture, machinery, fertilizers, pest control, calibration, semi auto harvesting, human resources development, training, network data and all what helps to satisfy client.

DACOM weather forecasts program.

VALMONT pivots.